Central Pier
The resorts three piers are as famous as seaside rock! Come and take a look at Blackpool Central Pier – there’s fun and amusement for all of the family!
There’s a world of amusements in the arcade building at the entrance and the traditional world of fairground rides and the seaside pier beyond. Enjoy live outdoor entertainment (weather permitting) and family fun in Pirates Bay Family Bar. There’s rides, arcades, food stalls and game stalls – all open for you to enjoy. It’s the one with the landmark big wheel – see it from pretty much all of the Blackpool coastline.
- Central Pier is is OPEN DAILY during February HALF TERM
- Then weekends only until the Easter holidays.
- Easter onwards it’s OPEN DAILY for the season.
- All opening hours are weather dependant.
Much more about Central Pier and what’s on
Promenade, Blackpool,